

You need OSX or Linux to use this package. ESMPy (the dependency that handles the regridding) does not work with Windows.


Currently xgcm==0.5.2 is required. You will get errors if you use a different version``


Create conda environment:

conda create -n mitgcm

Activate environment:

conda activate mitgcm

prepackaged installation

Install cubedsphere:

conda install -c conda-forge cubedsphere

Update xmitgcm (needs latest version from github repo):

pip install git+

Alternative: Installation of development version

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd cubedsphere

Install dependencies:

conda install -c conda-forge xesmf esmpy xgcm xmitgcm matplotlib-base xarray

Update xmitgcm (needs latest version from github repo):

pip install git+

Install cubedsphere:

pip install -e .

You can now import the cubedsphere package from everywhere on your system